Friday, April 3, 2015

Work Together To Achieve Success For The Good Of The Whole

     John Fund's article for The National Review Online, Liberals Are the New McCarthyites-and They're Proud of It, is a critical analysis of mud-slinging tactics implemented in the strategies of those who are supposed to be political leaders. Specifically, Fund criticized democratic party leader Harry Reid for his accusation that Mitt Romney skipped out on paying taxes for the past ten years, an accusation unsupported by any evidence and upon researching, can be found as false. Such actions are comparable to the anti-communist, fear-based tactics of 1947-1957 U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy, who used his publicity and authority to ruin the careers of many politicians and political opponents he accused of being communist sympathizers. 
     John Fund has more than twenty years of experience writing for the Wall Street Journal, and has published articles in magazines such as Esquire, Reader's Digest, Reason, The New Republic, and The National Review. He has co-written several books, collaborated with Rush Limbaugh on another, and published a book of his own, Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy. Presently, he writes for the National-Affairs column of National Review Online. With this extensive history in the American political system, he has knowledge on the subject, but being in such a system can also influence political bias. As a conservative, he generalizes liberals into an entire group and accuses the group of such tactics, when it was the actions of the party leader, not every liberal. I, for one, side with liberals in many aspects regarding political policy, but I think the two party system is dividing America and efforts should be focused on working together to achieve success. When distracted by what is wrong with another, one loses sight of what is right with both.

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