Saturday, April 18, 2015

Are Legislators Making A Maze To Walk Ten Feet?

  In fellow classmate Helene Laurice Ohouo's blog, A Journey..., post The H.B 1125 Bill covers the topic of same-sex marriage and how it's regulation in Oklahoma is affected by the previously mentioned legislative suggestion. The beginning is an analysis of differing sides of the argument, the middle is a commentary of how legislative solutions can be more problematic than the problems they are trying to solve, and the end is a criticism of bill H.b 1125. She argues that it violates the first amendment, deeming it unconstitutional, and even say's that anti-LGBT officials disapprove of the bill. I agree with her disagreement in the way that, with differing sides opposing each other and each side trying to win, they negate benefits possibly created through working as a team. This goes for many issues in our society today. Things shouldn't be a matter of you versus I, it should be a matter of you and I. We exist together, let us work together, let us grow together.

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